As a result of Jeremiah's web strategy blog i have just spent the last 20 minute digesting an 80 slide presentation of global social media participation. It's the 3rd report produced by UM, and it is very insightful.
The first of UM wave report was 2006 Sept, the 2nd wave report June 07 and the 3rd wave report was March 08.
It covers blogging, Social networks, content sharing, and content consumption. I would recommend spending the time looking through the slides, which can be found here.
A couple of interesting facts from this presentation that really triggered by interest is the adoption of RSS.
During the period of all 3 wave reports, RSS adoption / awareness has grown from 11%, 15% to 39%. RSS feeds are key way to remain socially connected online, and it would seem global understanding is starting to catch up those who heralded RSS as a worthy contented to emails dominance in messaging, and customer connection. RSS potential may be finally being realised, understood and appreciated.
Pod casts also follows a similar route with its adoption trend mirroring that of RSS.
Take a look and digest, you will notice social media penetration in Asia is "Truly Massive", but keep in mind this will be related to demographic trends and economical realities.
Also check out the rise in social networking profile creation in Russia – slide 37, a leap from 41.7% to 74.2% between wave 2 and 3 reports. In regards of penetration of active users that is impressive!
Without be privy to UM full methodology, the fact that there exists 3 reports means as long as the methodology as been the same for all three, the trends reported are valid.