Tuesday, May 19, 2009

SMX in London has finished and i was unable to attend - which i am gutted about.

Dean Chew over at www.chewie.co.uk gave a presentation titled Social Media Done Right and its worth checking out. He covered off subjects such as Twitter API and Facebook connect.

You can take a look at his presentation here

Earlier on in the year I went to the social networking forum in London and came away on the whole unimpressed, although they were some great presentations it lacked the professionalism and clarity of SES a month earlier. To be fair SES is now a slick well oiled engine and the social networking platform is in its first year so it is an unfair comparison- still a couple of things for them to consider next year.

  • Proactively use social networking technology to facilitate debate
  • During debates give more time for questions than introductions
  • If you introduce someone don't then ask them to re-introduce themselves
  • If you can attract Coke to present, go for some big name social networkers as well!
  • Think carefully about the room acoustics and layout.
  • Learn from SES!

Still its 2nd ever event is on at Olympia next March 2010 -and things can only get better!


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