Tuesday, May 19, 2009

SMX in London has finished and i was unable to attend - which i am gutted about.

Dean Chew over at www.chewie.co.uk gave a presentation titled Social Media Done Right and its worth checking out. He covered off subjects such as Twitter API and Facebook connect.

You can take a look at his presentation here

Earlier on in the year I went to the social networking forum in London and came away on the whole unimpressed, although they were some great presentations it lacked the professionalism and clarity of SES a month earlier. To be fair SES is now a slick well oiled engine and the social networking platform is in its first year so it is an unfair comparison- still a couple of things for them to consider next year.

  • Proactively use social networking technology to facilitate debate
  • During debates give more time for questions than introductions
  • If you introduce someone don't then ask them to re-introduce themselves
  • If you can attract Coke to present, go for some big name social networkers as well!
  • Think carefully about the room acoustics and layout.
  • Learn from SES!

Still its 2nd ever event is on at Olympia next March 2010 -and things can only get better!


Wolfram Alpha

The launch of this new "Search Engine" intrigues me,especially as its not a search engine at all but a computation knowledge engine.

Having played with it a little during the soft launch phase and watching it collapse every time i searched!! its great to use it and see results.

Quite like the comparison element of the engine, ie cities i quite like its ease and the results layout

Plus the date search 

But these are mere distractions!  the real power comes into play when looking into astronomy and mathematics you get some really good results

A couple of issues that will haunt this engine are

Legitimacy of it information
Accuracy of its result
Academic criticism

Still early days

Take a look at 5 things wolfram alpha does better than google blog post on mashable.com here


Saturday, May 16, 2009

7 Minutes to Re-invent the Internet

This is video footage of presentation about Re-inventing the internet. A number of presentations given by Advertsing execs discuss potential future development in online advertsing among other things!

Worth watching

A couple of the interesting concepts mentioned

Social gyroscope
Semantic Serendipty 

Ha Ha,

time to make a few posts??

A typical dead blog! But the question i have to ask myself is should i try to kick start this again???